To obtain the Host ID of a computer, follow these steps:
Complete these steps on the computer(s) that will be serving the licenses (floating licenses) or the computer(s) on which the software will be exclusively used on (node locked license(s)).
Step 1: Open a command (DOS) window
How to do this:
On Windows 10: Press the Windows key on your keyboard, type cmd and press Enter.
On Windows 7: Go to Start, and in the search field type: cmd and press Enter.
On Windows XP: Go to Start, then Run and type: cmd and press Enter.
Step 2: Copy this command here: ipconfig/all >myhostid.txt and paste it in the command window by simply right-clicking in the command window. Alternatively, type it in manually. Note that myhostid can be any text you chose.
This option does not show you any information in the command window but creates a myhostid.txt file in the indicated folder.
Open File Explorer at this location to find the file you just created (myhostid.txt) by typing in: start .
Send the file to your SIMTEQ Engineering contact - he/she will pick the correct number from the file for you and arrange for your license.
That's it!
But since you are now curious, the correct Host ID that we will use is shown in this image:
Note that for node locked licenses, the Ethernet host ID should be first in the list and if not, follow the steps on this page to move it to be first.