Multibody Dynamics Simulation

Published 2013-09-12

Whether you are testing a new concept or evaluating the functioning of a complex system like a car, a truck or a train or even the DVD tray of your home theater system, it can only be done successfully using MultiBody Dynamics simulations (MBD). Adams from MSC Software is the de facto standard when it comes to multi body dynamic simulations with many vertical products such as Adams Machinery, Adams Car, VI-Rail and others developed on top of it.

Not only can Adams solve multi body dynamics, but also link directly with control system software packages like Easy5 or Matlab Simulink to simulate the direct effect of control systems, hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical systems on the dynamics of the system. With the use of embedded Nastran capabilities, through ViewFlex, Adams can turn any rigid part into a flexible part to account for stress and strain in components due to the induced forces. Most Finite Element packages like Nastran can also create model neutral files which make this capability possible to extract stresses and strains from components during dynamic simulations. This directly enables durability studies and the identification of "hot spots".

Design of experiments (DOE), Monte Carlo simulations and optimisation are obvious next steps to further explore the design space or to reverse engineer existing systems. Using all these capabilities, no simulation can more accurately represent real life scenarios than Adams simulations.




MSC Fatigue

MSC Nastran




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