CivilFEM Getting Started

In this section we will help you get started with CivilFEM. The first steps are to register on the official CivilFEM website and then to download the student version (valid for 2 years and limited to the lowest of 5000 nodes or 1000 beams) or an evaluation version (no limitations but only valid for 30 days).

Expand the toggle buttons below to reveal the required steps:
Register online to access a Student or Evaluation version of CivilFEM and more
Register online to access the installation files as well as a number of examples, training videos etc.
1 - Register Online
2 - Download CivilFEM
3 - Install CivilFEM
Register online as a student at for "CivilFEM with Marc".
If you don't have the installation file yet, you can download it here:
Select the option to install both Marc Mentat and CivilFEM:
Select all the default options or also download and follow the detailed installation document where you downloaded CivilFEM.

Trouble Shooting

If you receive the following error message after Marc installed, when CivilFEM was suppose to be installed:
Close the message, restart your computer and re-start the Installer, except this time, since Marc is allready installed, you only need to install CivilFEM from the list of options: 
Access example problems and training videos
Once you registered on the CivilFEM website, you can download example problems and more from here:
4. Download Examples
5. Access Training Videos
6. and more
Login (step 1 above) and under the Restricted Area, download the example files under CivilFEM powered by Marc as shown below:
Selfhelp training videos are available as shown here:
Explore the Applications area for more information on how CivilFEM can be used in your fields of interest:
NB: Test your CivilFEM installation
Download the "Warehouse" example to test if your installation of CivilFEM is complete (NB: Simply being able to open the CivilFEM user interface after installing it does not guarantee a complete installation).
7. Download Warehouse Example
8. Extract the files
9. Test your installation
10. Troubleshooting
Ensure that you downloaded the Warehouse example below:
Extract the files to a location of your choice:
Open CivilFEM powered by Marc and check that it shows the availability of a license: 
Create a new (any type) model:
Display the Script editor (option under the View tab) and open the script as shown below:
Run the Python script and ensure that it ends with a display of results as shown below.
The Output section of the UI can be monitored for progress and any errors.
If the above output was obtained (i.e. no errors were reported), your installation of CivilFEM was successful and you will be able to use all the required functions.
If errors occurred, please go to the next tab.
Before you call for help, please have the following information ready for us:
1. At which step did the error occur?
2. What was the error (a screen grab is the best way to share the detail with us)?
3. How much space do you have free on the installation drive?
4. Do you have administrative rights on the computer to install software?
5. Please share a screen grab of your computer system details:
6. If CivilFEM can open, re-open it and share screen grabs of this screen's contents:
6. Please add any other information that you think may be relevant to help us solve the problem. 
7. Send your information above to us at Please note that we can only answer you during office hours (08:00 to 17:00 on weekdays) and in case of high support volumes, we might not be able to answer you quickly. We do aim to answer all support calls within 24 hours. If you did not receive a reply after 24 hours, please contact us on 012 004 1362 in case your email did not reach us.
Getting started with the example files
Once you downloaded the example problems you can get started using them as follows:
View File Types
.zip files
.cf files
.py files
After downloading the example files, ensure that you can see the file extensions in your file explorer:
Extract the ZIP files to a location where you can easily access them later:
The .cf files are saved CivilFEM model files that can be re-opened in CivilFEM:
The .py files available with some of the example files, are Python files which can be opened with the CivilFEM Script editor. Take note that these example .py files creates the models from scratch:
Such Python files are easily created by recording any actions in CivilFEM using the macro recorder:
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Don't ever risk your career by using cracked software!

I only used it for my studies, I only wanted to evaluate the software, I didn't use if for commercial purposes, I only installed it, but never used it... Unfortunately, no reason holds up in court for the possession of stolen goods.

The full commercial purchase price of the software (for everything you had access to, whether or not it was even used!) 

Students (under- or post-graduate) also has no recourse since they can get access to free legal student versions, or the full commercial versions through their respective universities.
If you wish to evaluate any software or module that you do not have access to, please contact us, we will gladly arrange for evaluation licenses, even emergency licenses. 

There is just no reason to access illegal software.
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