ECSA CPD approved course (2 credits) - SAIMechE-1348-11/22
The aim of the course is to combine a number of disciplines in structural mechanics that tend to be taught in isolation, but which can seldom be treated in isolation for real structures. It demonstrates a range of failure mechanisms for which calculations are required. The importance of validation and some validation techniques are discussed. The course is based on the principals of structural mechanics, a fundamental requirement for any engineer focusing on evaluating structures.
Engineers who will be involved in structural calculations, whether hand calculations or finite element analysis. Learners should have a working knowledge of the fundamentals of structural mechanics at undergraduate level.
With more than a total of 65 combined years of experience in using FEA and more than 40 years of experience teaching and supporting customers, the SIMTEQ team consolidated their knowledge and experience to provide a relevant and practical course that will save you time and money and give your results credibility.