Simulation Process and Data Management platform for all your CAE data
Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM) supports simulation data equivalently as any PLM system would support CAD data. SimManager accommodates the analyses models of the design model (structural, fluids, acoustic etc) to simplify the design structure and development process. SimManager is a configurable application and proven solution for over 20 years in large organizations worldwide.
The configurable application is an environment simulation, supporting engineers and analysts to provide consistent solutions to requirements from product development. It also helps to keep track of development history and traceability.
SimManager allows organizations to capture project or critical information on a centralized platform and database to ensure company intellectual property remains reliable and accessible during and after project timelines. The solution connects different disciplines and track simulation processes to establish design cycles.

SimManager assist organizations to consolidate and deposit generated project knowledge and simulation data into a single repository while also hosting applications needed to manage that data. SimManager is an open solution in terms of data types and products and not specific for MSC Software products only.

SimManager enables full traceability and audit of what was done and gives insights into the user inputs/outputs. Data capture processes are automated while users are assisted to see how simulation data was created and indicates where it has been used down the line.

Furthermore, SimManager integrates with centralized servers and clouds to assist organizations with storage and access management of CAE data. Access can be authorized in terms of management, employees, contractors, projects and data types. Projects and accompanying deliverables can be monitored and validated to keep track of progress and outcomes.
The CAE management tool also enable analysts to queue and launch several simulation input decks and jobs according to preferred schedules, either on local solver machines or on High Performance Computing (HPC) environments.

SimManager is the ultimate CAE management tool to decrease the time spent and data searches and to improve efficiency between managers, designers, analysts, auditors and third parties.