MSC Apex

MSC Apex is the new CAE platform from Hexagon | MSC Software that consists of different modules and products for all future developments and integration of simulation tools. MSC Apex currently consists of 3 modules: MSC Apex Modeller, Structures and Generative Design.

Unified CAE Environment for Virtual Product Development

MSC Apex is the new CAE platform from Hexagon | MSC Software that consists of different modules and products for all future developments and integration of simulation tools. MSC Apex currently consists of 3 modules: MSC Apex Modeller, Structures and Generative Design.
The following are the currently available products in MSC Apex:
MSC Apex Modeler
MSC Apex Modeler is the perfect analyst companion for mesh creation for Finite Element Analyses and more. According to a report from the Aberdeen Group, on average, analysts spend 80% of their time on preparing CAD for analysis, but MSC Apex is reducing that figure to less than 10%!
In summary, these are the key features of MSC Apex Modeler's Direct Modeling and Meshing Workflow:
  • Remove numerous & unnecessary features
  • Interactively extract midsurfaces
  • Repair surfaces with direct modeling
  • Mesh geometry and define mesh criteria
  • Continue repairing with direct modeling and meshing
  • Automatically create thickness and offset assignments
MSC Apex Structures
There are a number of aspects that sets the MSC Apex Structures Solver apart from other FEA tools available today namely::
  • Set model and analysis context
  • Validate models prior to analysis
  • Join dissimilar meshes rapidly
  • Make generative changes
  • Generate results
  • Evaluate different design variants
The following analysis types are available through the MSC Apex Structures solver:
  • Linear Static
  • Normal Modes
  • Linear Buckling
  • Frequency Response
MSC Apex Generative Design
MSC Apex Generative Design uses smart algorithms with built in manufacturing constraints to create optimized structures in seconds and minutes based on user design criteria.
The final result can be exported directly as CAD geometry for immediate 3D printing or for Additive Manufacturing simulation in Simufact Additive.
Smart Generative Design
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